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Describe an Exciting Experience in Your Life

Describe an Exciting Experience in Your Life

Describe an exciting experience in your life

Sample 1:Describe an Exciting Experience in Your Life

The period that I experienced an exciting event was in my final year. I was a nursing student at SRM University. Due to the flood the city experienced in 2015, we had a 1-month break from school. And my friend Chinenye. Chinenye is a Nigerian, fair, moderately built, with good dentition.

She was also my classmate. We both planned a trip to Pondicherry. Pondicherry is located in Tamil Nadu. It is a small city colonized by the French. And this beautiful city is a home for tourists. It is known for its several beaches and seafood cuisines. We booked a bus that took the 4-hour drive and also booked a hotel for two nights.

On the first day, we went to the famous beach, took pictures, and purchased alcohol. We also did horse riding, which was fun. Then the second day, the hotel had a buffet service for various meals. We went to the restaurant and did a lot of tastings; then we later went to their famous market to get fresh fish and some jewelry.

This was the best experience of my life because I witnessed Indians who spoke French. It was fascinating. I believe combined with the meals being served and the welcoming climate, and I’d love to do this again.

Sample 2:Describe an Exciting Experience in Your Life

Many interesting events have occurred throughout my life, but there is this exceptional one I am glad to talk about. This experience was about performing my first class presentation in school. However, this presentation took place about four years ago in my first year’s second semester when I was attending nursing college.

Moreover, this task was shared among my mates in groups. Surprisingly, my group members choose me to present on their behalf. I hesitated a while before accepting that offer because I had not done some before.

Furthermore, on the day of the presentation, I was very nervous. However, my group members gave me morale and encouraged me to do it. Surely, I put myself together and presented it well. Fortunately, we had the highest score on the task, and our tutor commended us as well as my group members applauded me.

Following this, I was extremely happy about the task because it changed me positively by giving me the confidence to be able to speak in front of a mass of people. Since then, I have also presented several presentations in school and at work.

Follow Up Questions

Question 1. How did you feel before the exciting experience?

Answer 1:- It was not easy; I was nervous and even hesitated because it was my first time. However, I have to rehearse constantly in order to get the confidence to perform the task.

Answer 2:- I felt elated; it was an event I never wanted to end. Meeting new people from different backgrounds and experiencing their local dishes was beautiful.

Question 2. Can you explain why this particular experience was significant to you

Answer 1:- It was an essential experience for me because I see it as a life changer. Moreover, my behavior towards facing groups of people has changed, and I also gained enough confidence to express myself in public.

Answer 2:– This specific event was so important to me because I got to socialize more with people who have different backgrounds, and it also helped me broaden my knowledge of the people of Pondicherry and their colonization.

Question 3. Did you have any apprehensions or concerns leading up to this experience?

Answer 1:- Yes. I had some apprehensions, such as my shy nature and inexperience in performing such a task. These made me nervous while preparing for the task.

Answer 2:– The concern I had was the cost of living in the city. I also wanted to be sure that it was safe travelling in the public transport.

Question 4. What were the main factors that made this experience so exciting for you?

Answer 1:– Well, the major factors that positively influenced my experience were. First, the topic for the presentation was easy for me. Also, my group members provided me with all the necessary support during the preparation.

Answer 2:– The main part that made my adventure so exciting was the meals served. I got to experience different dishes of sea foods. Also the weather wasn’t harsh.

Question 5. How did this exciting experience impact your perspective or outlook on life?

Answer 1:- This experience has impacted a lot in my life because I now view the world to be like everything is possible. Moreover, what matters is one to trust him or herself and give a trial.

Answer 2:- This experience made me have a different perspective on lifestyles and knowledge about people. It made me more accommodating and welcoming irrespective of an individual’s background.

Question 6. Did this experience change your behavior or the way you approach similar situations?

Answer 1:- Well, this experience has changed my mentality in the same situations. Currently, I have the confidence to present any presentation in front of mass people without panicking.

Answer 2:- This experience already made me understand people more and also made me set out time for a little vacation after work or any activity I indulge in.

Question 7. Have you shared this exciting experience with others? If so, how did they react?

Answer 1:- I shared it with others, especially my friends and juniors when. I was in school. However, they were glad to hear that, and also they agreed to give it a try.

Answer 2:- I believe I’ve told my family members about it. My dad, in particular, was happy that I got to experience it because he had a similar experience by touring around Europe during his university days.

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