Describe an occasion when you received good service from a company or shop
- What company or business it was and what this company does,
- What the service was and who helped you,
- Where you receive this good service,
- Why do you think it was good service
Recently I required a badminton racket, my old one had worn out, and I was looking for a new one. To buy one I have to make several visits to shops and malls physically to fit my taste. Instead, I opt for online shopping. We have this online store called Flipcart. It’s an online trading platform where you have the choice to choose any equipment from household to anything possible.
This company makes your purchase very simple and easy. If you are interested in any particular item like in my case, I was looking for a racket. I have a variety of stews of several makes and materials I can choose from them. I can get reviews from others that give feedback on the item how it is, and I have the choice to go according to my budget.
The service I opted for was cash on delivery, which means I don’t have to pay upfront; at the same time, if the item I bought does not suit my taste of is damaged, I can get a replacement in 7 days. My nephew, who is good is making this online purchase, helped to zero my choice. I think it really helped me in a way it saved my money visiting different stores and the item was delivered to my home.
The item was neatly delivered to me to my home address in just four days without any hassle. The package was good, and the service was very nice.
I liked the service because it saved my time and money. If not, I would have wasted my time going around various shops doing bargains, and I will not be sure if I would get the right item. Even If I buy from a shop, I have to rely only on the salesperson’s remarks, but online I get reviews on people who have already used or using the item.
Part 3 Questions Describe an Occasion when You Received Good Service from A Company or Shop
What jobs require staff to get in touch with many people?
I guess the staff has to be well trained in marketing and influencing the customers, Not just to get the sales done but getting the confidence of customers by selling the genuine product.
What qualities does the staff need? Why?
The staff need good communication skills and respect with honestly; they should be able to market their products. The reason I mention is supposed a buyer gets the right item in an affordable manner, he will surely be happy with the service, and there is more chance that he will visit the store again, and at the same time he will tell his friends, and family members about the service and that will result in more customers.
What’s the difference between services in big shops and small shops.
In big shops, the customers are ignored and due to huge visitors and more staff one to one interactions are not there. In small shops, the buyer and seller come directly in contact and with each other, and due to that, both the parties get benefitted.
What should people do when they get bad service?
If, for instance, you get bad service. One should try to confront the service provider; maybe the seller is not aware of the product or the staff. In that way, there is a chance of correction. Suppose it’s not addressed in a polite manner, then it’s better to refrain from such shops.
Why do some people not k what service is good?
Some people don’t know the service is good mainly due to a lack of human values. This kind of seller is mostly interested in profits and ignores the basic traits of understanding. In the long run, such business does not last for long.
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