Describe something which cannot be learned at school IELTS exam

Describe something which cannot be learned at school.

 What is it?
 When and where you learn it?
 How do you learn it?

Sample 1

A school is a pious (                ) place of learning which plays a significant role in shaping the career and personality of a child. A good school is a center for learning good habits at a very tender age which has an everlasting impact. Although students can learn innumerable things there. There are certainly useful and helpful activities or skills which they are unlikely to learn at school. These include monetary skills, cooking, community service, and moreover meditations as well.

Of all these things, I believe meditation is next to impossible to learn at the school level, However, the rest of the things are not that hard to include in the school curriculum. It is because to do meditation one needs a spiritual teacher or guide, Who can usually be found at religious institutions only. And without the proper instructions and guidance. It is not recommended to meditate under the guidance of that tutor of any school who himself does,t know & much about it. Moreover, to meditate. A quiet and calm atmosphere is necessary while it is not an easy task to accomplish is this the school premises.


So having been overload by the extensive burden of countless duties. We need to utilize our space-time during meditation, which apart from providing us with mental relaxation, enhances our learning skills to a greater extent. Rosts tell that those who meditate on a daily basis perform better in academics as compared to those who do not, therefore, it is a necessity to go to a place of spiritual importance or any meditation center where under the guidance of a perfect spiritual guide we can learn it. So this is a thing which cannot learn in school

Sample 2

Well, school is the learning house for every student. School performs an important role in the all-round development of the person. But still. There are some skills which one cannot learn at school and one of these is cooking. Which is very important for every person. Skill is important because the food is one of the basic necessities of a person and one cannot survive without it SO, any person could need to cook in his future if in some circumstances.

In schools, it is difficult to learn because this skill requires special equipment and safety precautions to learn. This skill requires individual attention and due to the high strength of students in schools, it is very difficult. Only the parents can teach their children the skill of cooking under their guidance. It is very important for every student to learn because in higher studies students have to go to remote areas far away from their house.

So if they have advance knowledge about this skill. Then it will be easy for them to manage their food requirements. Nowadays students can also learn from social websites like Youtube. A number of performances are also telecast on Tv from where student easily learns this skill.

Here are the Two-Samples of The Cue Card (Describe something which cannot be learned at school IELTS exam)


Q-1 What skill do you want to learn soon?

Ans: whether there are many skills which I want to learn but among them, the skill which I want to learn very soon is cooking. this skill is very useful because when someone is not at home u could use this skill to prepare food.

Q-2 Why is it necessary for teenagers to learn to use computers?

Ans: today is the world of inventions are coming into the world market day by of such important inventions is this modern era the youth is crazy about the internet. they use various social websites for their entertainment and for this one should have the knowledge of computer.

Q-3 What kinds of skills are popular in your country?

Ans: computer skills are most important in our country because today is the world of technology.if one want to become successful in any field he or she should have the knowledge of computer. this skill is beneficial for all kinds of work.

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2 thoughts on “Describe something which cannot be learned at school IELTS exam”

    1. I would have to say pornography is not essential to be taught in schools. The reason being it deforms character of students.

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