Figures Show that Some Countries Have an Ever-Increasing Proportion

Figures show that some countries have an ever-increasing proportion of the population who are aged 15 or younger. What do you think are this trend’s current and future effects on those countries?

Sample Answer: Figures Show that Some Countries Have an Ever-Increasing Proportion

Some demographic surveys πŸ“Š have shown that the proportions of young people πŸ‘Ά are rising rapidly πŸ“ˆ. This may be because of illiteracy πŸ“š, poverty πŸ’Έ, wars βš”οΈ, or other reasons. This essay shall delve into this trend’s immediate and long-term effects on those countries 🌍.

Such a trend’s most important current impact would be on the national economy πŸ’°. For instance, goods and services would need to be imported πŸ›³οΈ, leading to an unstable economy πŸ“‰. However, the future effect would be different as more people within the country need employment πŸ’Ό. Then, the problem of unemployment might arise 😟.

In addition to the economic effects, there would be social implications πŸ‘₯. The government will have to invest a lot in educational institutes 🏫 as more children need more schools and colleges πŸ“š. In addition, more spending on health would also be needed πŸ₯. The long-term result would be that the education and health infrastructure would be well developed πŸ—οΈ.


If the government carefully manages such a situation, for instance, by providing good education and health facilities πŸŽ“πŸ’Š, then the future outcomes could be quite positive 🌟. The society would be younger and more vibrant πŸŽ‰. The culture of those countries would be more fast-paced than the traditional culture πŸƒπŸ’¨.

To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that the culture and lifestyle of these countries would be transformed if the population were younger πŸ”„. Fresh opportunities and challenges would both be on the way πŸš€. The trend would cause multiple possible effects, and these countries should strengthen their education and health infrastructures to overcome its negative influence πŸ›‘οΈ.

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