Speaking follow up Questions a family member who made you proud IELTS EXAM

Speaking follow up Questions a family member who made you proud


Question: What can children do to make their parents proud?

Children can do a lot. They can do well in studies, to make their parents proud. They can

do well at sports to make their parents proud.


Question: What did you do to make your parents proud when you were young?

I didn’t do anything special. I think my parents were proud of me because I worked hard in studies, helped in household chores and never put unreasonable demands in front of


Question: What characteristics of yours make you proud?

I am proud of my hardworking and polite nature. I never speak rudely to anyone, and

always try to help others in any way I can.

Question: When was the last time that you felt proud of yourself?

The last time I felt proud of myself was when I go good marks in my senior secondary



Question: What can children do to make their parents proud?

Children can do a lot. They can do well in studies, to make their parents proud. They can

do well at sports to make their parents proud.

Question: What did you do to make your parents proud when you were young?

I didn’t do anything special. I think my parents were proud of me because I worked hard in studies, helped in household chores and never put unreasonable demands in front of


Question: What characteristics of yours make you proud?

I am proud of my hardworking and polite nature. I never speak rudely to anyone, and

always try to help others in any way I can.

Question: When was the last time that you felt proud of yourself?

The last time I felt proud of myself was when I go good marks in my senior secondary




Speaking follow up Questions a family member who made you proud

Speaking follow up Questions a family member who made you proud

Speaking follow up Questions a family member who made you proud

Speaking follow up Questions a family member who made you proud

Speaking follow up Questions a family member who made you proud

Speaking follow up questions Describe a family member who has had important influence on you IELTS EXAM

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