IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 ( Accommodation ) Questions With Answer

IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 ( Accommodation ) Questions With Answer. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

IELTS Speaking Test Part 1 ( Accommodation ) Questions With Answer

Question 1:- Do you live in a house or an apartment/flat?

Answer 1:- I live in the house. It is a two-storey brick house.

Answer 2:- I decided on an apartment, which is basically a gated community. We have so many Amenities it is inclusive.

Question 2:- Can you describe the place where you live?

Answer 1:- It has a living room and kitchen with fully furnished and technological gadgets, a bedroom attached with bathroom, a storeroom and at backyard side, many plants are planned. On the second floor, it has two bedrooms attached with a bathroom and a large space for a gallery.


Answer 2:- I live in a locality which is highly developed, and that is called Miyapur in Hyderabad. In this area, it has lots of facilities for a journey to the organizations IT companies as well as metro connectivity.

Question 3:- What do you like about living there? What do you like about your flat?

Answer 1:- I love many things in my home. I can get fresh air because my home is situated in a countryside area. Besides, I can use different e-gadgets such as laptops, Wifi and T.V.

Answer 2:- There are so many things which I like there recently there was a get together on the eve of new year’s, and we had even celebrations we cut a cake, and then I was data dance performance wear on cloud nine at the end of the party.

Question 4:- Which is your favourite room in your home? Why?

Answer 1:- My favourite room is my bedroom because I can arrange all the things according to my view, even a cupboard and dressing table.

Answer 2:- There are so many spots in my home, but my favourite one will be the living room because in that space all the members of our family spend time with each other.

Question 5:- Which room does your family spend the most time in?

Answer 1:- Well, Most of my family members spend time in the living room because we sit together and watch many reality shows on T.V after dinner.

Answer 2:- Most of the time in the living room and during weekends we play cards, watch movies and also a sometimes we cook dinner candlelight dinner as well.

Question 6:- What can you see from the windows?

Answer 1:- I can see lots of scenery from my window view. In the morning, I can see the natural environment, such as sunshine and birds flying in the sky, while I take a cup of tea.

Answer 2:- From my window, there is a good landscape where huge trees are there, and once in a while, there are some weird creatures which from here and there in the empty area. Once we spotted a peacock, it was very amazing.

Question 7:- Would you change anything about your home? Why/why not?

Answer 1:- Yes. I would change many things in my home such as a camera will be introduced for security perspective and walls will be painted with new colour because old colour becomes dull.

Answer 2:- I would like to change the colour of the painting which we did in our home right now it is just a plain a cream colour, but I want to make it attractive by giving some acrylic colours or Bright colours it at some good vibes and also if possible a stick some stickers on the wall.

Question 8:- Would you like to move to a different home in the future?

Answer 1:- No. I would not move to another home because my home location is situated in a well-known area and lots of amenities are easily available such as a drainage system and waste disposal by authority.

Answer 2:- Yes decided to move to Canada to change my life, but during vacation, I want to visit my home because that is the best place I have ever lived so far.

Question 9:- What sort of accommodation would you most like to live in?

Answer 1:- I love most to live in the house because a large space is available for living and I can install all the things according to my test.

Answer 2:– I would like to say in in in an apartment preferably in a gated community because it consists of all the facilities which we require rather than buying each and every item which is required.

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