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The IELTS Speaking test is intended to measure a variety of abilities. The questions and themes are not designed to assess your intelligence. It is not important to possess the knowledge of the topic but to possess the knowledge of the language- English.

The speaking part of the IELTS consists of 3 parts:

  1. The first part asks you to speak on general topics, like, self-introduction, description about your friend/ family/ town, Description of your neighbours. You will mainly have to speak about the people you know and places you know in the first part. This part lasts about 5-6 minutes. And to be a confident person is an important aspect for this. Confidence is an essential parameter for judging.
  2. In the second part, you will be asked to describe a certain topic decided on the spot by the examiner, followed by the third part in which you will elaborate on the topic you’ve been asked about in the former part. 
  3. In part 3, you will have to dive into the topic and provide relevant reasoning and explanation and put your opinions.

Common topics in IELTS speaking

Speaking part 1 topics : 

The topics for part 1 are not limited as they usually are of general interest and can be altered and change over time.

Speaking part 2 topics :

 You will be given a topic on the spot, and you will get a minute to prepare for it. Then the ‘Talk’ will begin. Keep speaking as long as you can. Try to be clear about your opinions and ideas.

Some common topics for part 2 can be as follows :

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Speaking  part 3 topics:

In speaking part 3, The examiner will ask you detailed questions on the topic you were speaking about in part 2. It will be more like an interview sort of thing. They will ask a WHY for your every answer. It is essential to stay confident in this stage as this is the most crucial one. The examiner will judge you on your promptness of speaking. Try to avoid fillers as much as you can.

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