IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 370 Recent Exam Tests Must Read These Instructions before participating in Exam.
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IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 370
Academic Writing Task 1
The maps below illustrate how Frenton changed from 1990 to 2012.
General Writing Task 1
You recently went to a restaurant but think you could have left your credit card behind. Write to the restaurant. In your letter
Tell them when you went there
Describe where you think you may have left the credit card
Explain what you would like the restaurant to do
General / Academic Writing Task 2
Studying business or science-related subjects at the university level is more important than arts-related courses like literature. Do you agree or disagree?
Part 1 Public gardens and parks
- Would you like to spend time in a park or a public garden?
- What do you like to do when visiting a park?
- How are the parks today different from those you visited as a kid?
- Would you prefer to play in a personal garden or public garden?
- Are parks important for a city?
Part 2 Cue Card
Describe something important that you lost. You should say:
- What it was?
- How did you lose it?
- Why was it important to you?
- How did you feel when you lost it?
Part 3 Questions
- What kinds of people may lose things often?
- What can we do to prevent losing important things?
- What would you do if you saw something valuable that didn’t belong to you on the street?
- What kinds of things have you lost so far?
- What do you usually do to look for lost items?
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IELTS fever free online mock test Day 370.
General writing tasks 1:
Dear sir or madam,
l will like to report a loss Seems that I left my credit card on top of the cashier counter last Tuesday July 12. I had a stress day due to the long travel that I made on on reaching my destination I decided to eat in your restaurant only for me to pay with my credit card since I had no cash in hand unfortunately for me to forget it after making payment. Please let me know if you have my credit card and how I can get it back. Write to me at my return address or email; [email protected].
I’m looking forward to your reply.
Writing Task 2: Reading a business or science related course in a tertiary institution is very essential than arts related subjects like literature. In my opinion I believe that reading a business or science related course is very essential than arts as this will benefit the individual more. A good reason to studying business or science related course in a tertiary institution is that it will help the individual to be prepared to have something the will do on their own even if they are unemployed after been graduated. Another point to consider is that reading a business or science related course in a tertiary institution will create means of the individual doing a more lucrative job in the future for example a student who studied a science related course like a medical student can decide to open her own hospital in future which will help her grow in her field making it more lucrative. Finally studying a business or science related course will benefit the society in the long run for the simple reason that the government will have less youth that are unemployed this will result in a better society and less crime from unemployed youth in the society. In conclusion, reading business or science related course is very essential than the arts reading courses.
General speaking part 1: (1) l would like to spend time in a public garden because I enjoy staying in a public place.
2)when I visit a park I will like to play with every game that is installed there in that area as it has always been my wish to do so.
3) well this is a very difficult question because I never had an opportunity to visit one when I was a kid but if you will ask me I will say the world has been modernized and alot of changes has taken place.
4) I would prefer to play in a public garden because it involves more fun playing it with a lot of individuals.
5) well , I will say parks are important for a city because it is means of easying your stress.
Part2 cue card : Well I will start by saying that one of the important things I lost was my car connector. On that faithful day, I went to work with my car for an evening duty shift and I noticed that my car couldn’t start as I was done with my shift I called up my mechanic he came and on the process lost the car connector which was needed to start my was very for me because I ended up taking a cab home and I had to leave my car parked at the office, upon reaching home I couldn’t sleep because I was thinking about the safety of my car in the office.
Part 3: 1) well I will say people who are careless.
2) I will start by saying somethings can be inevitable but it can be prevented or limited if we pay more careful on our things and how we manage it.
3) I will submit it at the nearest police station since it is safer there.
4) well I have not really lost so much but I will say apart from my car connector, I will have also lost my valuable shoe when I went for a holiday.
5) I will try to recall where last I saw it