IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 595 Recent IELTS Exam Tests

IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 595 Recent Exam Tests Must Read These Instructions before participating in Exam.

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IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 595

Academic Writing Task 1

The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

The table below shows the proportion of different categories of families living in poverty in Australia in 1999


General Writing Task 1

You currently live in a rental apartment, and the noise from your neighbors disturbs you. Write a letter to your landlord. In your letter
describe how this situation affects you;

  • explain what steps you have taken to address the problem;
  • ask the landlord to take action to resolve the issue.

General / Academic Writing Task 2

Some believe that students should begin learning a language very early in school, while others think these subjects should be taught later. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.



  1. Are there wild animals in your country?
  2. Have you ever been to a zoo or a safari park?
  3. What is the animal you would like to see in the wild?
  4. Are there TV programs about wild animals in your country?
  5. What’s the most famous wild animal from your country?
  6. What’s your favorite wild animal (from your country)?
  7. Do you like to watch TV programs about wild animals?
  8. Did you learn something about wild animals at school?
  9. Where can you see wild animals?
  10. In which country do you think you can see many wild animals?
  11. Are there any wild animals that you would like to see in their natural habitat? Which ones and why?

Part 2 Cue Card

Describe a piece of news that you heard about someone you know well

  • What was it?
  • When you received this news?
  • How you received this news?
  • Why do you feel it was good news?

Part 3 Questions

  1. How do people share good news?
  2. Why do people share news on social media and is it good to share news on social media?
  3. When do people share the good news?
  4. How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?
  5. What kinds of good news have you received before?
  6. Should the media only publish good news?
  7. Why do people share news on social media?

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