IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 626 Recent IELTS Exam Tests

IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 626 Recent Exam Tests Must Read These Instructions before participating in Exam.

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IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 626

Academic Writing Task 1

The table below shows the percentage of household and electronic goods in New Zealand in 2002 and 2020. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant.
The table below shows the percentage of household and electronic goods in New Zealand in 2002 and 2020.

General Writing Task 1

Your workplace does not have a parking area for cars, and it is causing some problems. Write a letter to your manager. In your letter, you should:

  • Describe the problems.
  • Explain why you should solve the problems.
  • And give your suggestions on how to solve the problems.

General / Academic Writing Task 2

Students leave high school without learning the way how to manage their money. What are the reasons and solutions for this issue?


Part 1  (High School & Hometown)

  1. Where is your hometown?
  2. How often do you visit your hometown?
  3. How many people live in your hometown?
  4. What is your hometown famous for?
  5. What’s the oldest part of your hometown?
  6. Who was your favorite teacher in high school?
  7. What’s your favorite subject in high school?
  8. Do you still remember what happened on your first day of high school?
  9. Do you still keep in touch with your friends from high school?
  10. Do you miss your life in high school?


Cue Card

A happy memory from your childhood.

  • What is that happy memory?
  • Who did what and why?
  • Why do you remember it so fondly?

Part 3 Questions

  1. What do you think is the first moment of happiness that people remember?
  2. Why do you think some people remember more than others?

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