IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 841 Recent Exam Tests Must Read These Instructions Before Participating in Exam.
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IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 841
Academic Writing Task 1
The graphs below show the types of music albums purchased by people in Britain. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
General Writing Task 1
You have lost something on a bus and called customer service to get help. You weren’t happy with their response. Write a letter to the bus company manager. In your letter, you should:
- Describe the item you lost
- Explain why you weren’t happy with the customer service
- Say what action you would like the company to take.
General / Academic Writing Task 2
Very few school children learn about the value of money and how to look after it, yet this is a critical life skill that should be taught as part of the school curriculum. Do you agree or disagree?
Part 1 Friend
Question 1. Are your friends mostly your age or different ages? [Why?]
Question 2. Do you usually see your friends during the week or on weekends? [Why?]
Question 3. The last time you saw your friends, what did you do together?
Question 4. In what ways are your friends important to you?
Part 2 Cue Card
Describe a person who impressed you most when you were in primary school
- Who this person was
- how you knew them
- Why is person impressed you
- how you feel about this person
Part 3 Questions
Question 1:- Are kids happier than adults?
Question 2:- Why do people always miss their childhood?
Question 3:- Why do people still remember many of their friends from primary school?
ACADEMIC Reading Self-Practice
GENERAL Reading Self-Practice
IELTS Reading Test General Module 50+ Samples
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