IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 845 Recent Exam Tests Must Read These Instructions Before Participating in Exam.
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IELTSFever FREE Online Mock Test Day 845
Academic Writing Task 1
The chart and graph below give information about sales and share prices for Coca-Cola. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.
General Writing Task 1
Write a letter to your colleague telling him about your planned visit to the town you use to work in.
In the letter, you should tell:
– about your current Job
– about your stay plan
– the detailed arrangement of your visit.
General / Academic Writing Task 2
Environmental problems such as pollution and climate change affect all the people in the world. While global solutions are required to mitigate these problems, very few have been suggested. Why is there only a small number of solutions? How can these problems be resolved or mitigated?
Part 1 Recycling
- Do you recycle? Why/why not?
- What do you recycle?
- Do you always try to recycle paper and plastic?
- Do you always try to recycle paper and plastic?
- What is commonly recycled? What products?
- Did you learn to recycle when you were a child?
- Why have people’s attitudes towards recycling changed over the last several years?
- Do you think recycling is important?
- Will you keep recycling in the future?
Part 2 Cue Card
Describe a skill that you learned from older people; You should say:
- What the skill is?
- Who did you learn it from?
- How did you learn it?
- And how do you feel about it?
Part 3 Questions
- What can children learn from their parents?
- What knowledge can children learn from their grandparents?
- What kind of help do you think older people need?
- What skills can young people learn from older people?
- How difficult or easy to learn from older people?
- In your country, do you think skills held only by older people are extinct?
ACADEMIC Reading Self-Practice
GENERAL Reading Self-Practice
IELTS Reading Test General Module 50+ Samples
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