IELTSFever FREE Online Test Day 85

IELTSFever FREE Online Test Day 85 Must Read These Instructions before participating in Exam

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The bar graph indicates sales figures for reading materials from 2002 to 2012. Write a report to a university lecturer describing the information shown below. Write at least 150 words

The bar graph indicates sales figures for reading materials from 2002 to 2012.



There is a problem related to the changing room of your gym in your community. You reported it several times, but it was not solved. Write a letter to the manager.
In your letter, you should:

  • describe the problem
  • what they said while reporting the problem
  • what you want the manager to do.


It has been suggested that everyone in the world want to own a car, a tv, and a you think the disadvantages of such a development outweigh the advantages?


Part 1 Questions

  1. How do people in your country celebrate the new year?
  2. How do you celebrate New Year?
  3. Have you ever celebrated the New year that you still remember?
  4. Why do people think that the New year is a new beginning?

Part 2 Cue Card

Talk about an interesting conversation that you had with someone
Who you had it with?
Where did you have it?
What was the conversation and why did you have it?

Part 3 Follow-Ups

  1. What is the difference between the conversation between males and females?
  2. What is the difference between talking on the phone and face-to-face conversation?
  3. Why do some people get nervous when they give presentations?
  4. Do you think using visual aids while giving a presentation is necessary?
  5. Why is body language important?
  6. Do you think humor is important for a speaker?
  7. What kind of speaker do you like?
  8. Are there any disadvantages of face-to-face conversation?
  9. Who do you prefer chatting with – your parents or your friends?
  10. Do most people have just a small number of friends or many friends?
  11. What qualities do you think a good friend should have?

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2 thoughts on “IELTSFever FREE Online Test Day 85”

  1. Harjeet Kaur

    It is to be believed that people around the world desires for materialistic
    things such as car, television and refrigerator. Most of these are available in
    everybody’s home. Although these commodities are useful but in the long
    run, it will cater to huge limitations.

    On one hand, owning a personal vehicle provides better convenience and
    comfort. We can enjoy our ride without stressing about the how far the
    destination is. The personal transportation is easily accessible specially in
    the time of the emergency. Secondly, the refrigerator are highly useful in
    storing perishable food items and make the food available for a long time.
    Moreover, it is highly required to store tempting products like chocolates,
    ice creams and sodas. Lastly, the television which is the great source of
    information and entertainment. It provides us worldwide news and is also

    On the other hand, there are some disadvantages to these necessities. The
    use of automobiles are responsible for the environmental pollution which
    has declined the air quality which in turn leads to chronic respiratory
    problems not only in elderly people but also in teenagers. The refrigerator
    produces harmful gases that affects the ozone layer. The growing use of
    television has affected the health and lifestyle of kids who are glued to
    these devices all day long. In addition to this, many children start practicing
    dangerous stunt being shown which is life threatening.

    In conclusion, the use of such things has changed the lifestyle of people but
    such necessities must be used in moderation taking into consideration the
    health, environment and teenage mindset.

  2. Harjeet Kaur

    Part 1 Questions
    1. How do people in your country celebrate the new year?
    People in my country go to club house for new years eve and have a late night party. Some of the families go for lunch and dinner.

    2. How do you celebrate New Year?
    I generally prefer staying home with my family or we just plan for a movie night.

    3. Have you ever celebrated the New year that you still remember?
    Frankly speaking, I am not a party type person. I stay at home and my new year with my family and myself.

    4. Why do people think that the New year is a new beginning?
    People believe new year brings a better tomorrow. They say good byes to their old habits and try to set new goals for their life.

    Part 2 Cue Card
    Talk about an interesting conversation that you had with someone
    Who you had it with?
    Where did you have it?
    What was the conversation and why did you have it?

    I believe myself to be a social person and I love talking to people. The recent conversation I had was with my cousin who arrived from United States for the first time. We were at home when we had this conversation. Firstly we had a normal talk about our day to day life. Then she started telling me about her studies that how she had studied for about 20 hours during her high school exams. She was too stressed about it. Then she told me about there college took them to a trip to Hawaii islands after the exams which was a much needed vactaion after those stressful exams. We had a late night chat for a very long time.

    Part 3 Follow-Ups
    1. What is the difference between the conversation between males and females?
    The males converse a bit louder, use more humour and mostly use abusive words while talking. On the other hand, females talk gently and respect the gestures of the others.

    2. What is the difference between talking on the phone and face-to-face conversation?
    Telephone conversations require a high quality listening skill while during face to face conversation people tend to communicate more easily.

    3. Why do some people get nervous when they give presentations?
    Some people are not comfortable in socializing. They tend to have pre assumption about what would people think if they say something wrong.\

    4. Do you think using visual aids while giving a presentation is necessary?
    It is the best way of presentationas provides a better qunderstanding of what the person is trying to explain.

    5. Why is body language important?
    Body language includes facial expressions and gestures. There are certain unspoken actions or feelings that can be explained with the help of body language.

    6. Do you think humor is important for a speaker?
    Humor is very effective for a speaker. It keeps people engaged in the presentation. It helps people remember what speaker is trying to say. It provides a good impression on the audience.

    7. What kind of speaker do you like?
    A speaker who is well prepared, who can make people agree to their point of view and of course a bit of humour.

    8. Are there any disadvantages of face-to-face conversation?
    During face to face conversation people tend to get nervous and not able to put upon the exact idea or point of view they want to convey.

    9. Who do you prefer chatting with – your parents or your friends?
    I prefer chatting with my friends as there are some types of conversation that we can actually have with them only.

    10. Do most people have just a small number of friends or many friends?
    Nowadays, people prefer quality over quantity. Its better to have few good and faithful friends rather than a large bunch of friends who are good for nothing.

    11. What qualities do you think a good friend should have?
    A good friend must be caring and helpful. He should be a good listener. He must be available whenever one needs them.

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