Important News: From 25 July 2021, The British council will no longer deliver the IELTS exam in India, and IDP will deliver all the IELTS exams in INDIA
Tweet By British Council
Today we can announce that British Council will sell our IELTS business in India to IDP. This means that all IELTS tests in India will be delivered by IDP.
— British Council (@BritishCouncil) July 1, 2021
Tweet By British Council India
From 25th July 2021, the British Council will no longer deliver IELTS tests in India. All IELTS tests in India will be delivered by IDP. For more information, visit
— British Council in India (@inBritish) July 1, 2021
Important News: From 25 July 2021, The British council will no longer deliver the IELTS exam in India
It was announced today that from 25 July 2021, IDP will be the sole distributor of IELTS testing in India.
Have you already booked a test with the British Council?
Is your IELTS on paper test booked with the British Council before 11 July, or IELTS on computer test before 25 July?
Then nothing will change with your test. You will take your test with the British Council exactly as planned.
Is your IELTS on paper test booked with the British Council after 11 July, or IELTS on computer test from 25 July onwards?
Then you should take the test with IDP on the same date and in the same city. IDP will be in touch with you by 7 July with details about your test.
May 2021 To August 2021 Cue Cards With Answers Updated
Press Release British council
IDP and British Council, two IELTS partners, the world’s most popular high-stakes English language test, have announced today that British Council will sell its IELTS business in India to IDP. This means that IDP will deliver all IELTS tests in India.
Under the terms of the agreement, IDP will acquire 100 per cent of the British Council’s India IELTS business for £130 million on a debt-free, cash-free basis. The terms also outline that British Council employees working on IELTS in India will become part of the IDP team. The transaction is subject to customary conditions, with completion expected to occur in August.
The International English Language Testing System, or IELTS, is the world’s most popular English language test for study and migration and is trusted by more than 10,000 organisations worldwide as a secure and reliable indicator of English language proficiency.
One of the key benefits of this sale is that customers will see the continuity of the test they know and trust.
Andrew Barkla, CEO of IDP, said this agreement marks the start of a new chapter for IELTS in India.
‘By bringing together two expert teams, test takers can feel confident they are getting the best experience possible when taking their world-leading test,’ Mr Barkla said.
‘Our test takers can focus on preparing for their test as planned, and our team is here to make sure everything goes smoothly on test day,’ he said.
‘IELTS’ 30-year history and global partnership model means it has globally standardised quality and integrity processes already built into every centre’s operations.
Mr Barkla said this agreement would help many people in India reignite their global goals.
‘This agreement will see us move forward with expert teams, a strong strategy and a large geographic footprint across India,’ he said.
‘Together, we are well-placed to help more people in India take the first step in achieving their global study, work and career ambitions.’
Kate Ewart-Biggs, Interim CEO of British Council, reiterated its commitment to its broader services in India.
‘Distributing IELTS solely through IDP in India will simplify and improve IELTS test takers’ customer experience. As IDP already delivers IELTS in India, the high-quality service provided to IELTS customers will remain the same.’
‘To ensure we could continue to deliver on our global cultural relations mission, we explored strategic options for the English examinations business with IDP in India in 2020. The proceeds of the sale will enable British Council to improve its financial position following the impact of COVID-19 on our finances,’ Ms Ewart-Biggs said.
‘Our wider British Council work will continue in India. We remain committed to realising our goal of building trust and understanding between the United Kingdom and India through arts, education, assessment and the English language.’
‘We would like to recognise the hard work of our staff across India who has worked tirelessly for many years and especially throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. It is our leading British Council IELTS teams in India, now transitioning to IDP, who put their heart and soul into delivering safe and trusted testing services year on year.’
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For media enquiries, please contact:
IDP: Rhys Ryan, Porter Novelli, [email protected] +61 427 227 719
British Council: Hayley Willis, Senior Media Manager. [email protected] +44 (0)7542 268 184
British Council: Aastha Jindal, Head of Communications, India, [email protected] +91 9873 76 7744
For test takers:
Information for test-takers is available here.
IELTS (the International English Language Testing System) is the world’s most popular English language test for work, study and migration.
More than 10,000 organisations trust IELTS as a reliable indicator of true-to-life ability to communicate in English.
IELTS assesses a test taker’s English language proficiency across four skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking.
Delivered on either a computer or paper, IELTS is the only high-stakes language test recognised for migration across Australia, Canada, New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
With a focus on human conversations, IELTS was a pioneer of four-skills English language testing more than 30 years ago. IELTS continues to set the standard for English language testing today.
About IDP
IDP is a leader in global education services. As an Australian listed company, we have operations in more than 50 countries, and our websites attract 100 million visits a year.
We specialise in combining human expertise with our leading digital platform to help people get accepted into their ideal course, take an English language test or learn English in our schools.
Our teams are side by side with our customers every day, at every step from course search to starting their dream course or career.
Our data insights are relied upon by organisations worldwide to help ensure decisions are informed by the diverse needs, challenges and motivations of students.
Most of all, we are proud of our people. Our trusted people and processes help our customers turn their study or English goals into a launchpad for their careers.
About British Council
British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We build connections, understanding, and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education, and English.
Last year we reached over 80 million people directly and 791 million people overall, including online, broadcasts and publications. Founded in 1934, we are a UK charity governed by the Royal Charter and a UK public body. We received £179 million in grant funding from the UK government in 2021/22.
British Council has been present in India for 73 years. In India, British Council creates opportunities for young people to succeed in a global environment by:
- supporting higher education, knowledge and research exchange
- accelerating student mobility between India and the UK
- enabling high-quality education in schools with English language training for teachers, educators and students
- driving innovation and upskilling in the Arts and Culture sector
- providing secure access to a wide range of international examinations: professional exams, university exams and English Language tests.
End Important News: From 25 July 2021 the British Council Will No Longer Deliver IELTS Exam in India
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