In many countries, young people become richer, healthier, and live longer, but they are less happy. what are the reasons and what can be done about it?

In many countries, young people become richer, healthier, and live longer, but they are less happy. what are the reasons and what can be done about it?


It is certainly true that young people are the backbone of every nation and they play a crucial role in the progress of the country. but in the majority of the states, they are sad in spite of that they are wealthy, healthy and live a long life. there are many reasons behind this and solutions are also here to overcome this problem.

The first and foremost reason is masses become materialistic with the trend of modernization. they give more importance to non-living things and there and there is no place of emotions, love, care, and feelings in their life. secondly, the trend of living has been changed among people in comparison to past time. in past time folks live together in joint families and they share their sorrows and happiness with each other which gave them peace and calm mind. but nowadays, youth give preference to nuclear families and they want to live independently. as a result, there is no one with whom they can share their problems.

Every problem is born with a solution and there are a number of solutions to solve this problem. the major solution is people should adopt the way of simple living and high thinking. this thing makes their life stressless. furthermore, parents should teach their young ones about the cultural and traditional values. for instance, parents should represent themselves as role models for their children because most of the things they learn from their elders. instead of this, moral values should be taught in schools and colleges because teachers are the second, with whom they spend most of their time after parents.


To concludes, young ones are the nation builders and it is vital that they become stressfree in their life.

In the past, many people had skills such as making their own clothes and doing repair to things in the house. in many countries, nowadays, skills like these are disappearing. why do you think this change is happening? how far is this situation true in your country?



In many countries, young people become richer, healthier, and live longer In many countries, young people become richer, healthier, and live longer In many countries, young people become richer, healthier, and live longer

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