In some countries young people have little time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies. What are the causes and solutions with example. IELTS EXAM

In some countries young people have little time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies. What are the causes and solutions with example.

This answer is  written by a student Named AmanDeep Kaur Sangrur district Punjab  give your Opinion on this answers in comments below , If you want to share your answers on this website you can send us on email [email protected] or contact on whatsapp number +919878052498

It is often said that, “body needs laugh as much as it needs tears both are cleansers of stress”.This is now where more evident than, in mere nations youngsters have little spare time and are under plethora strain to work hard in their education. The cause of this problem and the possible solutions to remedy these effects will be analysed in the essay.
There are many reasons which I would consider to substantiate my view. The primary is that today’s life is full of hurry and worry. Every person busy in their life due to the they have no free time for others. People donot spend a little time with their kids due to the hectic schedule. Youngsters have no spare time for other activities due to their study pressure as the education is very difficult these days as compared to past days. In cite an example of, it is a modern era along with competition increase at by leaps and bounds in youth as well as children due to the competition they donot take care properly about their health. As a result of, if youngsters do participate in leisure activities in front of the study due to the they feel relax and happy.
Moreover, people should spend a time with their own kids in front of the work due to the children feel happy along with they can share problems with them. If juvenile can do participate in different types of activities along with they can spend a time with their friends and family due to the their stress reduce and they feel relax. Namely, in past days, children do different types of activities like they took clay as they make a various things. In fact, if youngsters do involve in different types of activities due to the their mind develop and awareness increase with the help of new creativities.
When all is said and done, both parents and teachers should understand their youth feelings. Children is a nation builder and every nation depends on them.

In some countries young people have little time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies. What are the causes and solutions with example

In some countries young people have little time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies. What are the causes and solutions with

In some countries young people have little time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies. What are the causes and solutions with


In some countries young people have little time and are under a lot of pressure to work hard in their studies. What are the causes and solutions with


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