Information Technology Is Changing Many Aspects of Our Lives and Now Dominates Our Home

Information technology is changing many aspects of our lives and now dominates our home, leisure, and work activities. To what extent do the benefits of information technology outweigh the disadvantages?

Far from the traditional style of living, day by day, our life is evolving by information technology. Being concurred and pleased by its features brought to our housing, pleasures, and professions, they are now inseparable parts of our life.

There are several rational behind this idea that this modern life’s merits outweighs its downsides of it. Firstly, our homes are all equipped with several sensors and intelligent interactive assistants along with our personal information filled in their memory to share with important authorities like our family doctor or our lawyer. This provides us with abundant safety and security, although it may seem to be the reason for our sedentary lifestyle. Regarding this, it is worth mentioning that many facilities are provided to us based on our shared medical information; there will be personal health care assistants to call us periodically and monitor our activity level as well. Therefore, there is no way for this new life to fail in serving us at our home.

With regard to our measure time, there are many ways that we can not find a suitable hobby or activity, thanks to the cookies on our browsers and followed pages there and many information transferred to the leisure companies, we will be suggested to try the best and cutting edge devices to enjoy our spare times all based on our desires that we have proved as our favourites things through Instagram likes, for instance.


As for the professions, because of pandemic and all distance restrictions, many people are forced into remote jobs, which are only feasible with the aid of information technology. However, they may seem to be sharing too much information with others and distant from their community of other colleagues, they are still in the work atmosphere, and they can share their ideas and data with a click and make their resume daily while their working hours and the context of their work is recording.

For instance, a software developer can make sure with writing every line of code as it is saved and protected in GitHub, where all other developers and companies worldwide can see his or her activities.

In conclusion, having our lives being changed by information technology might be of great help to us in our homes, leisures and jobs. All modern life has to offer will benefit us, and the negligible downside is insignificant.

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