introduction questions speaking part 1
Question : May I know your full name? 1. May I know your full name?
Answer: My full name is kamalpreet singh brar.
(Note: Full name means given name + middle name if any + surname. Mostly students will speak the name given in the passport, which may not have the surname. So, you must speak your full name in answer to this question)
Question. How may I address you?
Answer: You may address me as kamal.
(Note 1: Here you may even speak your nickname. It just means that while asking the next questions, the examiner will call you by that name. Note 2: Many students start speaking their address here. Here, the word ‘address’ has been used as a verb, which means ‘call’. In other words, the question is – How may I call you?)
Question. May I see your ID?
Answer: Here is my passport. (Note: open the first page of the passport and show it to the examiner. You don’t need to say ‘Yes’)
Question. Where do you come from?
Answer: I come from Jagraon. It is a small town between Moga and Ludhiana.
Question. What work do you do?
Answer: (personal answer) you can say your profession
Question. Why did you choose to do that type of work (or that job)?
Answer:I chose that work, because I was interested in it.
Question. Do you like your job?
Answer:Yes, I like my job. It is very interesting.
Question. Is it very interesting?
Answer:Yes, it is very interesting.
Question. Do you miss being a student?
Answer:Yes, I miss being a student. Now, when I look back I realize that they were the happiest days of my life.
Question.What subject(s) are you studying?
Answer: I’ve just completed my senior secondary in commerce stream. Now I wish to go abroad for my higher education.
Question.Why did you choose to study that subject/those subjects?
Answer: I chose these subjects because I was interested in them.
Question.Do you like your subject? Why/Why not?
Answer: Yes, I like my subjects. I think they’re very interesting.
Question. Is it very interesting?
Answer: Yes, my subjects are very interesting.
Question.Are you looking forward to working?
Answer: Yes, I’m looking forward to a part-time job when I go abroad to study.
Question. Do you prefer to study in the mornings or afternoons?
Answer: I prefer to study in the mornings because at that time I feel very fresh and I can concentrate on my studies.
introduction questions speaking part 1
introduction questions speaking part 1
introduction questions speaking part 1
introduction questions speaking part 1
May to August 2017 speaking cue cards with answers Ielts Exam
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