It Is Impossible to Help All People in The World: Writing Task 2

It is impossible to help all people in the world, so governments should focus on people in their own countries. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

It is an undeniable fact that helping all individuals around the globe is not possible at all. Although I agree that governments should focus on people in their nations, I also believe that some poor countries do not have enough money to meet their basic needs, so other nations should support them.

For a variety of reasons, some people assert that the government should help people in their own country. The principal reason is that it is the responsibility of higher authorities to make the citizens of their own country satisfied. To explain it, individuals elect the higher authorities because they need support. That is why the important role of government is to fulfill the basic needs of people and provide them with better facilities. Moreover, billions of people live in the world. So, it is impossible to help them all. As a result, the world is divided into countries, and every nation has its own government, which makes a lot of effort to provide facilities to individuals, such as schools, hospitals, banks, etcetera.

On the other hand, rich nations should also help undeveloped countries. The predominant reason is due to national calamities and other technical problems. Some countries become poorer, and they do not have enough money to fulfill the basic needs of their individuals. So, at that time, other nations should support them not only financially but also they can provide food to them. Apart from this, in this modern era, some nations are also there which are undeveloped. So, developed countries should help them in the construction of schools, colleges, and hospitals. Due to this, the children of poor countries get a better education to become successful in the future.

To conclude, I opine that it is impossible to support all individuals around the globe. I also assert that rich nations should help undeveloped countries by giving them sufficient money and food.

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