7. Telephone
Phone number is the base unit of the word most used in one place, but not absolute, although most single-digit phone numbers are used to read, but sometimes there are special circumstances, such as free phone 800, will go to eight hundred. If there are two duplicate numbers, we use the double, if it is 3, then with the triple. double and triple back, if followed by the eight or oh, will have to pay attention Liandu issues. Phone number in general studies for three or four digits of each pause, if there are country code and city code, then the middle will be a standstill. Sometimes code may be added that the phone number behind the listening time be careful not to leak to listen to. While others may be behind the extension office phone number (extension number).
[shc_shortcode class=”shc_mybox”]
Listening Difficulties for ielts students
Listening Difficulties for ielts students
Listening Difficulties for ielts students
Listening Difficulties for ielts students
Listening Difficulties for ielts students
Phone number is the base unit of the word most used in one place, but not absolute, although most single-digit phone numbers are used to read, but sometimes there are special circumstances, such as free phone 800, will go to eight hundred. If there are two duplicate numbers, we use the double, if it is 3, then with the triple. double and triple back, if followed by the eight or oh, will have to pay attention Liandu issues. Phone number in general studies for three or four digits of each pause, if there are country code and city code, then the middle will be a standstill. Sometimes code may be added that the phone number behind the listening time be careful not to leak to listen to. While others may be behind the extension office phone number (extension number).