Machine translation (MT) is slower and less accurate than human translation and there is no immediate or predictable likelihood of machines taking over this role from humans. Do you agree or disagree?
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Sample Answer of Machine Translation (Mt) Is Slower and Less Accurate Than Human Translation
It’s an irrefutable fact that technology has transformed the lifestyle of mortals since its inception. Machine translation is perceived to be one such aspect of technology that could revolutionize the entire translation methodology adopted for ages but the way this transformation would impact the traditional translators is in the periphery of doubts. The following crumb discourses this fragile topic.
To set the ball rolling, the infusion of technology into every walk of life has made the life of humans no less than a bed of roses. Traditionally translation was a very cumbersome task but with the advent of technology, various applications have been developed that enable us to understand any language with a click of a button. Cost-effectiveness, ease of availability, and confidentiality of data have made this by-product of artificial intelligence extremely popular. Gone are the days, when people refrained from going to places that were linguistically alien to them. Instead, this new version of the technology has thinned the cultural gap which was directly proportional to the lingual of a person. IELTSFever Twitter
Not all that glitters is gold, this statement holds true in this case as well. Viruses and Bugs are the grey areas of technological advancements that have been nightmares of various software giants. Crucial information if leaked might prove to be hazardous for any institution. Language is the subjective aspect, a word can be used at multiple places deciphering different meanings. Dialogues have different accents which are still beyond the ability of machines to conquer. A study by the linguistic department on the threat to translators by technology conducted over a population of language experts further crystal cleared the thought process, Almost 84% of linguistics claimed that until the next decade artificial language decoding cannot bypass manual accuracy and pace.
So, finally what clinches my mind for the aforementioned discussion is the fact that although modernization might have crept into our lives there are still irregularities that are hard to negate. Human translators have been bridging the communication gap and will continue to do so without any threat from developing codes.
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