More people decided to have children at a later age than in the past

More people decided to have children at a later age than in the past. Why? Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.



Children are widely considered as a token of a gift from god. People do argue that settlement is preliminary criteria rather than children, however,  I disagree with the above viewpoint, as kids play a vital role in shaping up the family values and cannot be weighed as checkpoints.


A series of factors can be attribute to the cause of why the majority of people tend to have children at a later age in comparison to olden days. Firstly, women empowerment; For instance, in the earlier days, women are meant to be tools of reproduction hence used to conceive at a tender age whereas, nowadays, ladies are assumed to be forerunners in every field and are at managerial positions. Based on the above, transforming mindsets people are convinced to achieve their dreams, and kids can be generated later. Secondly, financial insecurities also add up to the idea of postponing the children to a later part of life. As capital is vital to continue the living wherein nurturing a child can be sometimes money investment.


The introduction of an offspring into one’s life will significantly bring a seachange in their lives. But, the correct age at which we welcome this change is crucial. Despite the thought that arranging everything for the child and planning for kids is a much-mouthed opinion among the millennials. The rise of fertility clinics is showcasing the hard-hitting truth in reality. Parents can be more maturated as age passes and can wave a path of goodness as they welcome their kids later nevertheless, One should not forget that the technological era has also gifted us to be more disease prone at a younger age.


Taking into consideration the above-discussed points, I would like to concur that, the accomplishment of one’s desire is the utmost criterion of an individual, yet with the amalgamative efforts of parents, guardians one can establish a balanced family along with work life.

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