Noise & Bus or Taxi IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Noise & Bus or Taxi IELTS Speaking part 1 Questions With Answers. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Noise & Bus or Taxi IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer.

Question 1:- How is the noise level in your city?

Answer – Well, it seems to me, I’m.residing in Kozhikode, which is one of the metropolitan cities of my country. The noise level of here is highly increased as it becomes an environmental issue which should consider some immediate treatment management.

Question 2:- Where does noise in urban areas come from?

Answer – Well, the unbearable noises are usually come out from the traffic and construction sites.

Question 3:- Do you think it is important to be alone sometimes?

Answer – Absolutely, it is really compulsory to spend some time alone for ourselves which will definitely heighten up, or moods make us more creative after all we made peace with us.


Question 4:- What is the importance of belonging to a certain group?

Answer – Well, being a member of various groups enhance our sense of cooperation moreover we are dealing with variant people other than from workplace from family these people are completely ready to tell a different story as they all are coming from different backgrounds so it will improve your social skill because humans are social animal they can’t live or survive without one’s help.

Question 5:- What are the problems you could have if you go out together in a big group?

Answer – As far I am concerned, if I am in a group sometimes people won’t accept my opinion or suggestions, it makes me might be disappointed other than that we might reflect some kind of competition between the group members for who will first come up with various points. Moreover, if the group members are altogether displaying a lazy attitude towards the topic, it will cause stagnation or imbalance in the grio8which will subsequently collapse, and one person has to do every work.

Question 6:- How often do you take the bus?

Answer – It’s rather rarely, madam because due to the current pandemic situation, I often reject the way possibilities of taking the bus. I would rather prefer my own private vehicle.

Question 7:- When was the first time you took a taxi?

Answer – I am afraid to say that, it’s a tricky question omg it’s long years ago let me think ohkii the first time I took the taxi is when I was studying in 7th standard, it was a bit of in the midst of an emergency situation that suddenly my father got a seizure attack and my mother got panicked, and she is sister me to call a taxi…From her phone, I found a number which was labelled a taxi. I called that number and cried and gave my address. Soon the taxi arrived, and we all went to the hospital. Actually, that taxi driver was mine. Mother friend feeds this number as a taxi which will help me to find out the name from the phone.

Question 8:- What are the advantages of taking a taxi compared with buses?

Answer – well, there are plenty of advantages to taking the taxi than bus…The bus is more like public transportation we can expect more than 20 people in it on the other hand taxi does have only one traveller that the person who books the taxi …it give sort privacy from other people. Moreover, we can put a stop wherever we want, but buses only stop at the bus stations.

Question 9:- Is it convenient to take the bus/taxi in your city?

Answer – Yes, of course, there are an array of bus stations and tact centres are available. Whatever you prefer here in my city, all amenities are available to satisfy your needs.

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