Nowadays Sending Children to Boarding School (either in Other Countries

Nowadays sending children to boarding school (either in other countries or in their own countries) is becoming increasingly popular. Why is it? Is it a positive development?

The trend of sending children to boarding schools, whether abroad or within their own countries, has recently gained considerable momentum. This essay explores the reasons behind this growing popularity and evaluates whether it represents a positive development.

One primary reason for this trend is the perception that boarding schools offer superior educational opportunities. Many parents believe that these institutions provide a rigorous academic environment where children are exposed to a broad curriculum and have access to specialized teachers and facilities. This is especially appealing in cases where local schools may not meet the parents’ expectations for quality education. Furthermore, for families living in areas with limited educational resources, boarding schools represent a viable alternative to ensure their children receive a high standard of education.

Another factor contributing to the popularity of boarding schools is the development of personal independence and social skills among students. Boarding schools require children to live away from their families, encouraging them to become more self-reliant and adaptable. This environment fosters a sense of responsibility and helps students develop strong interpersonal skills as they interact with peers from diverse backgrounds. For many parents, these life skills are as valuable as academic achievements, believing they prepare children for the challenges of adulthood.


Despite these advantages, the increasing trend of sending children to boarding schools raises questions about its overall positivity. On the one hand, the benefits of high-quality education and personal growth cannot be understated. Students often emerge from these institutions as well-rounded individuals equipped with both academic prowess and life skills. Additionally, the global exposure and networking opportunities available at boarding schools, especially those in other countries, can provide students with a significant advantage in their future careers and personal development.

On the other hand, critics argue that boarding schools can lead to a sense of isolation and detachment from family. Young children, in particular, may find the separation challenging and struggle with homesickness or emotional distress. The lack of daily family interaction can also impact the parent-child relationship, potentially leading to a feeling of emotional distance. Therefore, while boarding schools offer numerous benefits, the decision to send a child to one must be made carefully, considering both the child’s needs and the family dynamics.

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In conclusion, the growing popularity of boarding schools is driven by the quest for quality education and the development of independence and social skills. While this trend has its merits, including academic excellence and personal growth, it is not devoid of potential drawbacks, such as emotional challenges and family separation. Whether it is a positive development depends on individual circumstances and the ability of both parents and children to adapt to and thrive in such an environment.

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