Nowadays, we are living in a throw-away society. What are its causes and what are its problems?
Environmentalists today are campaigning for “reduce, recycle and re-use” in a bid to save the world, but we, as a nation, have adopted “replace” as our mantra. This and many other factors are leading to a throwaway society, and there are many problems being caused by this, which I shall discuss in this essay.
The reasons for our becoming a throwaway society are manifold. Firstly, in a quest for better living standards, we wish to own the latest types of equipment and gadgets. Once new things are acquired, we dispose of these “unwanted” things at second-hand shops or just in the trash cans.
Secondly, the markets today are flooded with cheap, single-use-only things that are more in demand than high-priced quality items. Our houses and closets seem to be overflowing with goods that are more in quantity and less in value. Finally, companies do too much packaging in a bid to make their products more attractive.
The effects of this trend are also manifold. Pollution and filling up of the landfill sites by non biodegradable material is a great cause of concern. Global warming is taking up mammoth dimensions; unless we do something about it, our earth will become uninhabitable very soon.
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To add to it, there is intense competition and rivalry among the affluent to become society’s trendsetters. This tendency has played havoc on the middle-class strata. People are working long, arduous hours to earn more money to keep up with the Joneses and Smiths or else lose face. This is creating stress among people, and people are losing social and moral values.
To put it in a nutshell, I pen down saying that the current abundance of choice coupled with the ease with which things are discarded as soon as they lose their newness has given rise to a throwaway society, which is detrimental to the individuals and society.