It is less common now that the modern people look after their elders. they prefer to hire professionals to take care of them. is this development positive or negative?

It is less common now that the modern people look after their elders. They prefer to hire professionals to take care of them. Is this development positive or negative? Ans: It is certainly true that modern people have less time to look after their elders because they have become materialistic and they spend most of […]

It is less common now that the modern people look after their elders. they prefer to hire professionals to take care of them. is this development positive or negative? Read More »

Today, more people are travelling than ever before. why is this case? what are the benefits of travelling for a traveler?

Today, more people are traveling than ever before. why is this case? what are the benefits of traveling for a traveler? In this modern era, due to the advent of technology, a large number of sources of transportation are available in the country than in the past. so, this leads to the increase in the number of

Today, more people are travelling than ever before. why is this case? what are the benefits of travelling for a traveler? Read More »

Do You Think Parents Should Be Responsible if Their Children Are Misbehaving/behaving Badly?

Do You Think Parents Should Be Responsible if Their Children Are Misbehaving/behaving Badly?do You Agree or Disagree with This Statement? It Is Certainly True that Parents Are the Second God for Their Children Because Children Spend Most of Their Time with Their Birth Givers.So They Play a Pivotal Role in Raising Good Manners and Qualities

Do You Think Parents Should Be Responsible if Their Children Are Misbehaving/behaving Badly? Read More »

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