People Who Travel to Another Country to Live, Work or Study: Writing Task 2

People who travel to another country to live, work or study for a period of time often suffer badly from homesickness. Why is it? What are the best ways to reduce this problem?

It is undoubtedly true that the ratio of migrants to foreign countries for studying and residential purposes is cumulate each and every year. However, the appalling delinquency they are facing is nostalgia for their homeland. Is this always the case? There are feasible solutions to deteriorate this dramatic issue. This forthcoming essay will elaborate on the causes and ideas for solving particular issues.

On the one hand, there are a couple of notable reasons for this staggering situation. Primarily, migrants do not have any previous experience withdrawing from their family members, friends, and loved ones. Furthermore, these hampered circumstances had created a dire situation in their life. For example, in their homeland, they are more dependent on their parents for their household chores and day-to-day activities. The paramount significance of this is that after migrating, they can cope with their activities individually. Secondly, another prominent cause is cultural shock between the two counties. It is clear that there is a huge difference between cultural, economic, social, historical, and eating habits. It will take ample time to transform one culture into another. Due to these rigorous reasons, individuals have to jeopardize their life and career overseas.

On the other hand, the possible solutions for these issues are not easily resolvable. Nevertheless, a few solutions can help them to reduce these abdominal circumstances. Initially, trying to migrate with family members will help them to diminish the distance between the individuals. Apart from this, try to visit family members at infrequent intervals. In addition, another practical solution is, being part of leading cultural-social activity clubs or programs. These activities help individuals to reduce the depth of homesickness. Moreover, these activities can help them to hang out with inland people. These are two immediate solutions for particular problems.

In conclusion, the prevailing circumstances are not unpopular in migrant’s life. Definitely, there are classical and attainable solutions for these dire conditions. However, it is advisable for the immigrants that try to curb homesickness and concentrate on other activities.

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