Some People Believe that Childhood Is the Best Stage of Happiness

Some People believe that childhood is the best stage of happiness. At the same time, others believe that a person can enjoy more happiness in other stages of life. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

A few folks often argue that the person experiences the most happiness in the childhood stage, while others decline this notion and believe that other stages in life are more joyful. I agree with the former view because of fewer responsibilities and stress in the early stage of life.

To commence with, the people who think that childhood is the best stage of life due to having no worries about responsibilities. To elaborate, in the early stage of life, children spend most of the time with their friends playing games and enjoy their life by smiling most of the time, owing to which they have fewer worries about spending or buying anything, which is not possible in another stage of life. For example, at the age of 5, the person enjoys their life fully because of which they have less stress and more joyful moments. Thus, at an early age, children spend their life by playing and eating.

On the other hand, the person who opines that other stages of life are more enjoyable is due to some reasons. The predominant reason behind it is the experience that a person gains when he/she becomes mature. To elaborate, in adolescent age, a person meets with different friends and experiences new emotions like love, which is less likely to experience at an early age, owing to which they spend their time with that person by watching moves, visiting the restaurant, and so on. For example, a person can reveal people’s true faces at a mature age, which is impossible due to less knowledge at an early age. Thus, folks also enjoy the other stages of life by grabbing sufficient knowledge and experiencing new emotions.


To sum up, although the childhood stage is the best stage because of fewer worries and responsibilities, a person gains experience in other stages of life, which is also priceless. I believe that happiness depends on perspective rather than any stage of life.

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