Some People Believe that Schoolchildren Should Be Allowed to Make Decisions About the School Rules

Some people believe that schoolchildren should be allowed to make decisions about the school rules, while others think that teachers should be responsible for making the rules. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Sample 1 Some People Believe that Schoolchildren Should Be Allowed to Make Decisions About the School Rules

There are differing views on who should be responsible for making school rules – whether it should be the schoolchildren themselves or the teachers. While some people argue that children should have a say in making the rules, others believe that teachers are better equipped to make such decisions.

On the one hand, those who believe that schoolchildren should be allowed to make decisions about school rules argue that this would encourage a sense of responsibility and accountability in them. Giving them a voice in such matters could also help to foster a sense of ownership and engagement in the school community. Furthermore, allowing children to participate in the decision-making process could lead to more inclusive and democratic decision-making that takes into account the needs and interests of all stakeholders.

On the other hand, those who believe that teachers should be responsible for making the rules argue that they are better equipped to understand the educational needs of children and the school community. Teachers have years of experience and training that enables them to make informed decisions about what is best for the students. Furthermore, school rules must be made in accordance with the laws and regulations of the education system, which teachers are better equipped to understand and comply with.

In my opinion, while it is important to give children a voice in the decision-making process, the responsibility of making school rules should ultimately rest with the teachers. This is because teachers have the necessary knowledge and experience to make informed decisions that are in the best interest of the students and the school community. However, it is important to involve students in the decision-making process by seeking their input and feedback, as this will encourage a sense of ownership and responsibility among them.

In conclusion, while there are differing views on who should be responsible for making school rules, it is important to strike a balance between involving students in the decision-making process and entrusting teachers with the responsibility of making informed decisions. Ultimately, the goal should be to create a safe, inclusive, and productive learning environment for all students.

Sample 2 Some People Believe that Schoolchildren Should Be Allowed to Make Decisions About the School Rules

Rules and regulations play an indispensable role in every person’s life, owing to which it is generally that making rules in school is the responsibility of the mentor or not. Both views are discussed in the following paragraph, along with my perspective.

On the one hand, there are a plethora of reasons why making rules in school is beneficial if scholars make them. First and foremost, it reduces the burden of the tutor. This is because, provided that, in alma, a major rule is made by aspirants, then it is quite advantageous for the teacher as it solely reduces the stress of the mentor but also saves time. Besides this, it is also fruitful for the holistic development of children. Take Canada as an epitome, which showed despite various disadvantages, students in institutes make rules because it reduces either stress or depression from teachers. Consequently, it is constructive development and drastically improves student life.

On the other hand, other individuals believe that discipline is the educator’s responsibility because it creates ample conflicts among learners in the schools as students become the victim of inequality because of their affluent background. Moreover, it maintains equality among all the students in the schools, which is a justified boon for all the students. For instance, In the United Kingdom, teachers make decisions for students in order to maintain equality. As a result, it is fruitful for the students.

Having concluded, although making the decision by scholar reduce the burden on teachers, if teachers make decisions, then it is beneficial for students to bring equality.

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