Some people believe that the world is much less safe today than it used to be. there are still many wars being fought, and high tech weapons are sold openly to any country that wants to buy them. in cities, violent crime is increasing every year. it is not a very safe world in which to bring up children. do you agree or disagree? give reasons for your answer.
It is unfortunate that the world becoming less and less safe. every day in the news we read that someone has been murdered, and crime has increased in major cities all over the world. furthermore, cities are no longer safe places in which to raise children. in my opinion, the main cause of people being unkind to each other is a lack of understanding.
Mankind has always fought wars and probably always will. yet there have never been so many high-tech weapons available to many countries before. if the rich countries which supply poorer countries with these weapons understood the problems they create, arms sales would be illegal. I cannot understand why some drugs are illegal but weapons that kill thousands of people are sold everywhere.
It is said that politicians cannot be trusted to stop fighting wars. people follow their leader’s examples. in big cities, people steal from and sometimes even murder their fellow citizens. is it getting worse than it used to be? I think it is, and, furthermore, I think it will get worse in the future because we are not learning from our mistakes.
Of course, some people argue that the news services are much better these days, and therefore we hear more bad news than before. however, I disagree because my parents tell me that when they were young they could walk the streets safely at night, and people were much kinder to each other.
In conclusion, we live in a violent world. bringing up children in a world where violence is regularly shown on television shows and on the news is proof that it is not a safe place. if we do not try to solve this problem, our children’s future will suffer.
Some people believe that the world is much less safe today than it used Some people believe that the world is much less safe today than it used Some people believe that the world is much less safe today than it used