Some People Participate in Extreme and Dangerous Sports. Writing Task 2

Some people participate in extreme and dangerous sports. What can be done to avoid danger? How could these sports be made safer?

There are some rigorous and fatal activities in which people tend to participate in sports. Many changes which can be inculcated to overcome the dangers and various ways that can be followed to make these sports safer are explained in the below paragraphs, followed by the conclusion.

Sports activities such as wrestling, boxing etc., involve attacking and hitting the other person. It leads to blood loss and many physical injuries. In such scenarios, people must be encouraged to wear proper clothing with shields and gloves. Also, people who participate in water sports tournaments do not have sufficient oxygen tanks, which creates difficulty in breathing. Furthermore, they come in contact with the reptiles and fishes in the water bodies, which affects their livelihood. However, by creating a boundary and using nets with danger signs at a particular level, players will know their limit rather than going deep inside the water which is safe but only for the participant but also for the living things in the water.

As extreme sports are dangerous, many measures can be taken to prevent such threats. Emergency first aid services can be installed in ambulances. These vehicles must be deployed and checked before commencing the tournaments. The players should be given sufficient training. Medical fitness tests must be made mandatory for all the players to check their fitness levels before taking part in any game.

Though there are dangers encountered while participating in extreme sports, with good physical equipment and signs, many dangers can be reduced drastically. Regular fitness checks and medical tests for the players ensure that such games can be conducted in a cautious and efficient manner.

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1 thought on “Some People Participate in Extreme and Dangerous Sports. Writing Task 2”

  1. Taylor abrams

    I needed to be reminded that those who compete in water sports events often lack adequate oxygen reserves, which makes breathing difficult. It’s also intriguing to learn that they interact with the fish and reptiles in the water bodies, which has an impact on their way of life. My sister, who is arranging a canyoneering trip with her pals next month, should receive this as soon as possible. I’m hoping they can locate a fantastic resource for this.

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