Some people think that spending a lot on holiday, birthday, wedding, and other celebrations is wastage of money. however others think that these are necessary for individuals and society.

Some people think that spending a lot on holiday, birthday, wedding, and other celebrations are wastage of money. however, others think that these are necessary for individuals and society.


In this materialistic world, people not only want to maintain their social status but they also seek some relaxation from their burdened work and for this, they spend an exorbitant amount of money on parties for recreation.some persons are in favor and others are opposed to it. this will be discussed in the upcoming paragraphs.

In the ancient time, people arranged parties to meet each other and share their happiness and sorrows but nowadays, they spend a lot of their earnings on them to show their standard. this results in that other people follow them and sometimes they have to face a financial crisis. moreover, middle-class families spend on the marriage ceremonies beyond their limit and they forget that they should cut their coat according to their cloth. they throw away large functions and often face social anxiety.

On the other hand, functions are the only occasions where people feel relief from their stressful life and they give expensive gifts to show their love and affection for their near and dear ones. due to this, they become more sociable and cooperative in society because man is a social animal and he cannot live alone. this lead to a happy and better society and only these kind of individuals could be helpful for building a strong nation.


In conclusion, these are the social resources for enjoyment but the need is to spend on them keeping in view some limits because it is rightly said that money makes the mare go.

Some people say that friends are more important than family in today’s world. others say a family is always more important. write in support of one of these views.


Some people think that spending a lot on holiday, birthday, wedding


Some people think that spending a lot on holiday, birthday, wedding Some people think that spending a lot on holiday, birthday, wedding Some people think that spending a lot on holiday, birthday, wedding Some people think that spending a lot on holiday, birthday, wedding

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