Some People Think Women Should Be Allowed to Join the Army

Some people think women should be allowed to join the army, the navy and the air force just like men. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In this male-dominated society, women are often discouraged to adopt some profession. I think if there is no gender disparity, women must be given the liberty to choose navy, air force. I completely agree with the statement because they have the calibre, essential qualification and willingness as men have. So, they must go ahead.

To embark with, to join any kind of profession, it needs willingness and qualification, so if women are interested and capable; then they must join the army. I think women are more courageous as they have born offspring and are more powerful. So, if the requirement is qualified personnel, they fulfil the conditions and physical strength, they have already as is above-mentioned. For instance, the majority of women are in the US army than any other nations and the number is increasing in other nations too.

Moreover, if women are physically weak; then they can be trained and with the help of training, they become able to do a job in the army. On top of that, an increasing number of crimes indicate the involvement of more women, so female officers must be recruited. In this way, it would be a great help to interrogate a female offender as women are fully aware of each others’ behaviour.


In conclusion, I think, a chance must be given to the female gender as they have an equal qualification, endurance like men and the need for a day makes it essential to curb the crime rate in any nation.

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