Sports IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Sports IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer. These are the IELTS Speaking part 1 Topics and Questions on general topics about your life. Your answers will be from your life and experience.

Sports IELTS Speaking Part 1 Questions With Answer

Question 1:- Did you do any sport when you were younger? (Why/Why not?)

Answer:- Yes, I am fond of Cricket, and I would like to say it is my cup of tea. In fact, I used to play Cricket daily with my friends.

Question 2:- Have you ever supported a sports team? (Why/Why not?)

Answer:- I was a great fan of the Indian cricket team, and it is all because the finest batsman in the world of Cricket is Sachin Tendulkar. It was an immense pleasure to watch him playing on the ground. Recently there is one more sports team which added to my list is U Mumba, and it is a kabaddi team.

Question 3:- Do you enjoy watching sport? (Why/Why not?)

Answer:- Absolutely, Watching sport gives me immense pleasure because when I usually watch sporting events with my friends and sometimes with family members. We shout out loud when our favourite team grab wickets in cricket or tool points in kabaddi. It was like a small get together, and we also enjoyed snacks, cold drinks, popcorn followed by dinner.


Question 4:- Do you think there’s too much sport on television in your country?

Answer:- I have no doubt about that; in recent times, a plethora of sports events being organized, and some of them are going on a regular basis. In addition to this, nowadays, Pro Leagues come in the picture, which is frequently organized. For example, IPL is held every year, Pro Kabaddi is held quarterly; you can watch Domestic Cricket matches on a daily basis. Moreover, there are plenty of global sports channels are there on television to watch. So come to the point I can say that there are too many sports I could find on television.

Question 5:- Do most people in your country like sport?

Answer:- As far as I am concerned, I would agree with that. As we can, Pro leagues are being started whether it is Kabbadi, Cricket, Badminton, Football, Tennis Etc. It’s like, You just name it, they already have it, so it is clearly stating that sports are becoming famous and entertaining in a country. In addition to this, Mobile companies provide low-cost data surfing so people can get updates and live telecasts handy for me. That is also one of the reasons that sports grab the attention.

Question 6:- What sports do people in your country like to play?

Answer:- As far as I know, India has a vast, versatile and vivid population, and almost all sports are being played in a country. However, some region-specific sports are influenced by tradition and culture. Like most Kabbadi players belonging to Haryana and Punjab, Tennis players come from the Southern Part of India, while Cricket is equally famous in each state of India.

Question 7:- Do you like extreme sports?

Answer:- Actually, I can say that’s my kind of thing. I adore watching extreme sports; in fact, I keen desire to try some of them also. It gives me the thrill and boosts my enthusiasm as well. I had tried Valley crossing at Matheran and River Rafting at Kullu, Shimla. I also prepared a bucket list for the future to try some of them, likewise, Bungee Jumping, Paragliding and Water Surfing.

Question 8:- Who is your favourite sports star?

Answer:- Well, In fact, there are more than one, but If I have to choose one of them, I would say it’s none other than Sir Sachin Ramesh Tendulkar. He always remains my favourite sports star for making my childhood and teenage most memorable.

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