ielts gt writing task 1 topics

Write a letter to your boss apologizing for the recent meeting you missed at work

Write a letter to your boss apologizing for the recent meeting you missed at work

Write a letter to your boss apologizing for the recent meeting you missed at work 1.Apologise for missing the meeting 2.Explain What Happened 3. Say What you will do to compensate The Answer of –Write a letter to your boss apologizing for the recent meeting you missed at work Dear Sir/Madam, I am writing this […]

Write a letter to your boss apologizing for the recent meeting you missed at work Read More »

letter to the Information Officer at the TAPE Information

letter to the Information Officer at the TAPE Information about course

Write a letter to the Information Officer at the TAPE Information Office asking for information about the Tertiary Preparation Certificate. Describe your educational background and your reasons for wanting to do the course. You should write at least 80 words. Allow yourself 15 minutes for this task. Sample 1 Respected Sir,  I am writing this letter to apprise you that

letter to the Information Officer at the TAPE Information Read More »

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