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Talk about a decision which affected you in positive way ielts exam

Talk about a decision which affected you in positive way ielts exam

Or talk about a Practical Skill you have learnt.

Or talk about a foreign language you have learnt.

Or talk about a course you have taken up recently

Or talk about something you have learnt which can be useful for your future


You should say:

What was it?

When and why did you take it?

How it is beneficial for you?




1 . Decision making plays a significant role in everyone’s life. We all have to take some important decisions at some crucial junctures of life.

2 . Till now, most of the decisions I have taken, have proven quite beneficial for me touch wood.

3 . One such decision was to join an English speaking course to brush up my communication skills.




After completing my schooling, I decided to take coaching to polish my English speaking skills and I must say that the decision brought rich dividends for me.





1 .English is highly recognized language across the world. It’s important to be well versed with this language in order to survive in this highly competitive world.


2 . Moreover, it can open the doors of opportunities for anyone as lots of MNC’s around the world prefer professionals with strong communication skills. Therefore, knowledge of English is must in present scenario.


3 . To add it, since the time I started learning English, I have seen some very positive changes in my personality. There has been a complete transformation in the way I think and speak how. Earlier I used to be quite shy, timid, introvert and little under confident.  But knowledge of English has altered my attitude drastically.  Now I am very confident and quite positive about myself.


4 . On top of it, I have started enjoying every moment of life and the credit must be given to English.


In the end, I can say that to learn English was indeed a positive decision taken by me.  It has for sure given me a slight edge over others irrefutably/ implicitly.


Follow-up questions

1 . Why decision making is important?

2 . At what age should people be allowed to take decisions independently?

3 . What is the role of parents in decision making?

4 . Should parents take all the decisions for children?

5 . What is the role of advice or suggestions in decisions?

6 . Should youngsters be disappointed when their decisions go wrong?

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Talk about a decision which affected you in positive way ielts exam Talk about a decision which affected you in positive way ielts exam Talk about a decision which affected you in positive way ielts exam Talk about a decision which affected you in positive way ielts exam

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