Talk About a Time When You Told Your Friend an Important Truth
- Who Your Friend Is?
- What the Truth Was?
- What Your Friend’s Reaction Was?
- Why It Was Important for You to Tell the Truth to Your Friend?
Sample 1: Talk About a Time when You Told Your Friend an Important Truth
We know that truth is that kind of bitter taste 🍋 in which everyone cannot feel sweet 🍬 if we share something bitter. So, I would like to use this chance to describe an event in my life when I told a bitter truth recently to one of my closest friends, Archi Shah.
She lives near my house, and we are very close friends 👫. We share every kind of information or events happening in our lives, whether it’s a relationship or something bad happening at home 🏠. I usually share with her, and she also shares everything with me.
I noticed that she was in a relationship with a guy whom she had been dating for two to three months. However, I observed that the guy was not as good as I had thought.
He seemed to be using my friend as a toy 🎭. I immediately told him that he was not allowed to use my friend like this. I felt that I should tell the truth to my friend that the guy she was dating was not good for her.
I was worried that she might not trust me and might think I was jealous and wanted to break them up. So, I used a trick to make the guy reveal the truth himself.
I started criticizing him, which made him very angry 😡. He began inquiring about my life, whether I had a boyfriend or was dating someone. He had another plan and tried to criticize me in front of my friend.
Eventually, he started criticizing himself, admitting that he was using my friend. The words he used revealed the truth. It was a pinnacle of happiness for me because I had helped my friend understand the truth 🤝.
From that day, Archi could trust me blindly. She understood that the truth can be bitter, but it is very necessary to know it at the right time. I felt bad that they had to break up and wished they could have had a conversation.
However, I knew that the guy was not good for my friend, so it was important for them to break up because I couldn’t see my friend being used by someone 😢. This was an experience I felt deeply in my life.
Sample 2: Talk About a Time when You Told Your Friend an Important Truth
My best friend is called Benedicta Asian. She’s a Fanti from Cape Coast. She is 26 years of age, and her birthday usually happens on the 1st of January. It’s hard for me to forget about her birthday because it always happens at the beginning of the Year.
She is a good person and kind-hearted. I met her here when I was about to start college. I was taking extra classes at one of the secondary schools called Obuasi Technical University. We used to attend the same extra courses, so we met during a mathematics class and were asked to solve some questions.
Then she called me to the assistant so we became friends. Since then, we have gone to the library together; we learn together. I visit her sometimes, and we develop a bond between ourselves. After that, we were admitted to the same school, the University at Obuasi, so we were at the same level.
The truth was that she was dating someone who that person was also our friend, so she trusted in the person and really loved that person. This guy called Frank was a cheat and a liar. He cheated on my friend, and my friend wasn’t aware because she was blind to love and really loved the guy.
One day, this guy called me and proposed love to me, and I never believed that he could bring it to me. I didn’t know how to break the news to her that this guy was a cheat and a liar. So I had to hide this secret for 2 hours without informing her, or I didn’t want to hurt her, and I didn’t want her to have issues with the boyfriend.
One day, we were chatting, and we had a nice time. I decided to break the news to her. She was complaining about the guy’s recent behaviour; he was not picking up her calls anymore, and he was not giving her attention.
Then I saw that this was the right time to tell her that guy was not a good guy for her. She’s not being truthful, so when I said that, Benedicta was shocked and asked me if I had been keeping this along, and I couldn’t inform her. I told her,’ I’m very sorry. ‘
It was important for me to tell her to build a whole life around the guy. She trusted the guy, and she was growing older, too. She can’t be with a cheat and a liar. I wanted to save her and see her happy if she didn’t break up with a guy her boyfriend hurt her.
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Part 3 Questions: Talk About a Time when You Told Your Friend an Important Truth
Question 1:- Do You Think We Should Tell the Truth at All Times?
Answer 1:- It is morally upright that we always speak the truth. So I believe, and I will say it is best that we speak the truth always even when we are at the most critical moment when we speak the truth, will be fine wanted or will be in trouble, we should forget our determ propane that will go through and speak the truth so that it will set as free from any gilt.
Answer 2:- Telling the truth is one of the important things that every good-hearted person should tell, but somewhere, the truth can be better so he can use his mind, to tell the truth, so somewhat the person will not feel bad and can know the truth as well
Question 2:- How Do You Know when Others Are Telling the Truth?
Answer 1:- You get to know how someone is telling the truth when they are speaking. You look into their eyes and see how confidently they talk. You can detect the buy how biological reasoning the words the person is producing may be saying the same thing, not changing and switching to different things here and also asking people who were there to clarify if what the person is saying is the truth or not.
Answer 2:- If I get a chance, I definitely will try to figure out whether the person is telling the truth or not, but to be honest, I’m a very kind and good-hearted person. I don’t judge very quickly, but I try to understand the conversation is deep. Her truth is whether it’s there or not in the conversation. If you’re doing this, then I’ll try my best to judge a bit; not time judgment is good. Still, somewhere, I’ll try my best, and from that, I’ll try to figure out whether the person is telling the truth or not, and in the end, we know that karma is good. It’ll definitely give you back somewhere in the future or another birth.
Question 3:- Do You Think It Is Important to Win the Game or Follow the Rules?
Answer 1:- It is important to follow the rules because when you follow the rules, you protect yourself from problems. You avoid falling into situations when you follow the rules. You are being protected, and you are being guided so you won’t be found wanting; winning a game means you follow the rules that have been provided. Follow the rules of a game to win, so following the rules of a game helps you to win. Following rules makes you a better person in the world and a responsible person.
Answer 2:- Game or kind of rules are important somewhere, I think, because if you don’t follow the rules, then you might we can do the cheating in the game or we could not follow the path that the actual thing should be done, so in my opinion, we should try our best to get the first position, or we can win the game but as the famous person says that participation is necessary rather than winning over the game. Hence, it depends on person to person and perspective while playing the game, but if I am in that place, I will try to win or something. It’s OK; participation is necessary to get experience in that game.
Question 4:- Sometimes, People Should Tell Lies. Do You Agree?
Answer 1:- We should never tell a lie. No amount of lies can set someone free. Still, no matter how difficult it is for you to speak when you talk about the truth, you are always free mentally and physically; still, when you lie, you have to continue lying, which is very bad, so saying the truth always is the best even if it will cause you to death or jail tell the truth and set yourself free it’s always good to speak the truth so I disagree telling a lie sometimes; we should always talk about the truth.
Answer 2:- It’s a very difficult question, but I’ll try to answer it in such a way that it can be agreed upon or it cannot be. In my opinion, it will be ugly at this point because what happens in some family issues or some careers is that we might get a chance to tell a lie rather than the truth. After all, bitter truth can help a person to achieve that particular goal or thing. It depends on the situation and how it is, but if we are doing a good thing, then it can help us. Likewise, I think it can be helpful somewhere if we can achieve that particular thing. Still, it should be good enough, and it should not be the intention to do wrong things in our life, so yes, I agree on this point.
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