The Chart Below Shows Information About Changes in Average House Prices in Five Different Cities

The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below. Make comparisons where relevant.

The chart below shows information about changes in average house prices in five different cities between 1990 and 2002 compared with the average house prices in 1989

The chart illustrates the swapped the cost of average houses in five different city’s from 1996 to 2002 and compares these prices with the past year 1989.

Overall it is immediately apparent from the chart, the massive changes in prices of average homes observed in London, while its lowest in Tokyo and UK in previous years.

To begin with, the percentage of average houses was lowest in New York begin at -5% in the period of five years between 1990 to 1995, this situation got reversed between 1996 to 2002, and the total cost climbed to 5% in the USA. Moreover, the prices of homes were changed in Madrid began at 1% and remained the same for up to 5 years and suddenly got changed in 1996 which surged up by approximately 3% and followed up to 2002.

Furthermore, from 1990 to 1995, the asking price of every home was below -7% in Tokyo. Surprisingly this amount reduced to -5% in 1996. it is interesting to note that London had the lowest price range of homes with shares at -7% from 1990 to 1995 and it got doubled which skyrocketed and hits its peak more than 10% of prices got changed as compared with 1989 houses.

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