The Chart Below Shows Multi-year Expenses (in $ Million) in the Same Nation

The chart below shows multi-year expenses (in $ million) in the same nation on five different items in 18 (in 2010 and 2014). Look at the data and try to select and announce where the important highlights are.The chart below shows multi-year expenses (in $ million) in the same nation on five different items in 18 (in 2010 and 2014).

The chart below shows multi-year expenses (in $ million) in the same nation on five different items in 18 (in 2010 and 2014). Look at the data and try to select and announce where the important highlights are.

The allocation of distinct products, such as food, clothes, books, smartphones and toiletries, in the same country was displayed by table chart in 2010 and 2014. Overall, it can be seen that food was spent mostly more in both years than other items.

Having analysed the table chart, around 3600 million dollars was spent on food in 2010, whereas nearly 4400 million were expanded in 2014. Interestingly, the total allocation on clothes was 2500 million in both years. In 2010, 1000 thousand were allocated to book, which was 500 million more than in 2014

Moving further, the same country was spent on smartphones, which was around 2500 million dollars 2000 million dollars in 2014 and 2010, respectively.2000 million dollars was expanded on toiletries in 2014, while almost 1800 million dollars allocated in 2010.

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