The chart below shows the sleep patterns of people in five different occupations according to a Canadian study. Write a report for a university lecturer, describing the information below. Give possible reasons for the differences.
According to a Canadian Study, the chart depicts the information about the sleep patterns of people in five different job positions.
Overall, it is evident that students get long and continuous sleep while others don’t have. Mothers, on the other hand, get the same duration of sleep as that of students, but they have breaks in between then. Doctors are getting the least sleep, and the truck drivers are sleepless during the night. They sleep during day time.
Students and full-time mothers have the same duration of sleep with 8 hours. The only difference is that the students get a continuous 8-hour sleep while mothers have a break in sleep. Business Executive goes to bed at the same time as that of pupils, but they get up early at 5 AM. Thus causing less sleep of 2 hours as that of students.
Doctors are the category of people getting the last sleep. They get 5 hours of sleep. While truck drivers, on the other hand, sleep during the daytime. They are awake at night time while others are asleep.
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