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The Chart Shows Requests for Information at A Tourist Office in The United Kingdom from January to June

The Chart Shows Requests for Information at A Tourist Office in The United Kingdom from January to June (1)

The chart shows requests for information at a tourist office in the United Kingdom from January to June.

The chart depicts how many inquiries regarding information a tourist centre received in the United Kingdom from January to June.

Overall, inquiries at the tourist office happened in 3 forms: in person, via email or by telephone. Inquiries through telephone and in-person increased over time, whilst requests for information by letter or email decreased over time.

Initially, in-person inquiries were the lowest in January, near 400, whereas information requests via letter or email and via telephone were above 600 in January. However, in-person requests increased gradually from the month of January to June and reached more than 1800 in June.

Telephonic queries initially showed fluctuation from January to April. After that, it increased gradually from April to June, but it was less as compared to in-person inquiries. Inquiries via letters remained steady ( between 600 to 800) until march. After that, it decreased gradually and reached nearly 400 inquiries in June.

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