The Diagram Below Shows the Process by Which Bricks Are Manufactured for the Building Industry

The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industry. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The diagram below shows the process by which bricks are manufactured for the building industrySample Answer of The Diagram Below Shows the Process by Which Bricks Are Manufactured for the Building Industry

The diagram delineates data regarding how bricks are produced in the industry of construction.

Overall, there is a total of 3 main stages, namely digging, processing and processing and packaging, which include seven sub-stages. In addition, the second is the core phase, where the bricks are formed physically and by heat.

First and foremost, clay collected by a digging machine is filtered with a metal grid on a roller machine and mixed with sand and water. In the third stage, this mixture is either kept in a wire cutter or mould to make the shape of bricks.


Secondly, the accumulated bricks undergo a drying process from 24 to 48 hours in an oven before being contained in a kiln at both moderate and high temperatures ranging from 200C to 1300C and ending up in a cooling chamber for another 48 – 72 hours. Finally, the complete bricks are packaged for delivery.

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