The Graph Shows Underground Station Passenger Numbers in London

The graph shows Underground Station Passenger Numbers in London. Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

The graph shows Underground Station Passenger Numbers in London

The given line graph illustrates information about the total travellers of the underground station for London in numbers.

Overall, it can be observed that more citizens travel in the morning hours and evening hours whereas fewer inhabitants prefer to go in mid-afternoon through underground stations in country London.

In the morning hours, that 6:00 am only 100 passengers are travelling through the underground station, and later in the 8:00 it has been increased significantly to four hundred passengers, and after that, it drops to nearly180 passengers. On the other hand, in the afternoon fewer people opt for the underground station like only 280 passengers prefer this mode whereas after 12 pm it rose significantly to 300 passengers. At 4 pm, it plummeted to almost 100 passengers.

In the evening hours, the trend is almost same as morning hours in which it can be seen from the line graph that at 5 pm it rocketed to 400 passengers and fell minimally to 300 passengers. After 8 pm it leapt to 100 passengers and increased slightly to 160 passengers and then decreased to110 passengers.

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