The natural resources such as oil, forests and fresh water are being consumed at an alarming rate. What problems does it cause ? How can we solve these problems?
The time has come for international soul-searching about the environment. The industrial revolution has changed forever the relation between humanity and nature. In this essay I intend to explore the problems caused by the increased consumption of oil, forests and fresh water, and suggest some solutions.
Talking about oil first; it is well known that it is non-renewable and so will finish very soon. Pollution is another problem that is caused by the use of oil. Oil is used in vehicles, industries and homes. Simple measures can be taken to lessen its use. Atindividual level we can use more public transport; we can make lifestyle changes anduse fewer luxuries. At government level, people can be educated. More effort can bedone to research alternate sources of energy.
Secondly, water, especially fresh water, is another big area of concern. There can be no life without water. Water is the most precious commodity today. Fresh water resources are depleting fast. At individual level we should use water conservatively and recycle water wherever possible. At government level desalination plants can be set. Strict laws can be enforced for industries against pollution of fresh water by effluents.
Finally, because of deforestation, many animals and plants, which provides us food, medicine and other valuable products, are facing extinction. We have less bio-diversity also. Moreover, when trees are cut, the soil is exposed to heavy rain and so is washed away. The soil also becomes infertile. Also, trees absorb carbon-dioxide, which causes global warming because of the increase of greenhouse gases. Afforestation should be promoted as a solution. If each one of us plants a tree and nurtures it for few months, then the day is not far when we shall have greenery all over.
In conclusion, I would like to reiterate that oil, forests and fresh water are very necessary if we have to survive. So we should use them judiciously else our future is bleak.
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