The news company is going to start a new program on TV about a particular place. Write a letter to offer your suggestions on what the program should be like. In your letter, you should tell:
- How you know about that place
- What suggestions you would like to make
- Why you are offering these suggestions
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to you to give my feedback on the TV programme that your news company is going to initiate about the historical Museum in Ropar.
Let me inform you that I have been living in Ropar for five years and being well informed about the location, I must appreciate you for choosing this ideal place. Moreover, I have gone there many times during my educational trip.
Furthermore, I would like to suggest you show the ancient weapons, coins and historical books: four Vedas. Usually, in many educational short films, these have been neglected. However, if you add these in your show; resultantly, it will satisfy the inquisitive minds. Recently, an old portrait of the treaty which occurred between East India company’s Governor and Maharaja Ranjit Singh has been found in the museum. So, adding these would be worthwhile.
Moving further, the reason behind offering suggestions is ostensible owing to its content that has been preserved for a long time. This show will broaden the horizon of the knowledge of the masses by making them aware of past records. Besides, nowadays, people are getting alienated from their rich history; therefore, it would be a golden opportunity to bind people with their culture to make them feel proud of it.
I look forward to hearing from you.
Yours Faithfully,
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