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‘The older you get, life becomes more difficult’. discuss.

‘The older you get, life becomes more difficult’. discuss.


‘Over the hill’, past it’, wrinkly’ are just a handful of derogatory expressions applied to the elderly. society as a whole seems to turn its back on its aging members. aging also often goes nad-in-hand with a decline both in physical health and states of your bank balance, as your retirement years eat into sometimes meager savings. however, advancing years may also bring increased contentment and happiness. maturity may also allow you to broaden your horizons. the process of aging may, in fact, bring with it as many benefits as the youth, if one is prepared to maintain a positive outlook.

Wind starting a family are viewed as exciting challenges. but they also bring with them great uncertainty and stress. finding a job in today’s economic climate is a struggle, as keeping your job once you have one. raining a family too, with its concomitant responsibility and years of childcare, is not always an enviable task.

Older members of society, however, around retirement age and beyond, do not have those responsibilities and worries. they have already raised their families and are possibly enjoying the benefits of having grandchildren without the responsibility of being a parent. neither is income so much of a concern for some pensioners. they have a state pension and if they are lucky, a lifetime’s savings at their disposal to enjoy at leisure.

Also, free of family and work commitments, older people have plenty of leisure time. for the first time in their lives, they can pursue interests and hobbies or travel, which work and family responsibilities did not permit before.

In conclusion, whilst there are downsides to getting older, they are more than compensated for by the many advantages of old age. being older is really an opportunity to take on a new lease of life and broaden your horizons.

Provocative adverts have no place in a civilized society.

Few people devote time to hobbies nowadays. say why you think this is the case and what effect this has on the individual and society in general.

‘The older you get, life becomes more difficult’. discuss. ‘The older you get, life becomes more difficult’. discuss. ‘The older you get, life becomes more difficult’. discuss.


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