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The Percentage of Volunteers by Organizations in 2008 and 2014

The chart below shows the percentage of volunteers by organizations in 2008 and 2014. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

Sample Answer of The Percentage of Volunteers by Organizations in 2008 and 2014

The table gives information about the participation in 6 categories of activities such as (environment, Arts, Sports, Health care, Educational, and others). The organization is estimated in percentage in the years 2008 and 2014.

Overall, at the beginning of the period, participants were the least, especially in sports and health. At the same time, education was the most significant in the band. In comparison, at the end of the year environment became the largest segment. However, the arts and others had slight changes in both years.

The number of volunteers in sports and health are lower in 2008. The groups are around 15% and 7%. They experience more than a fifth in 2014. In contrast, education is threefold higher at starting but dramatically fell to about 17% in the last year.

In 2008, the environment club was approximately 21%. That exceeded up to a one-half quarter in the last period. Whereas, the Arts and others are slightly (18% and 15% respectively) and both are less than one-tenth and end up in 2014.

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