Sample 1
The given bar chart delineates the information about how much average time was spent on social media apps such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat by teenagers in India over four years between 2016 and 2020. This data has been calibrated in minutes.
Overall, it is evident that the time spent on Facebook followed a downward trend, whereas Twitter saw an upward trend. Another interesting point is that there was a fluctuating trend on both Instagram and Snapchat.
To begin with, in the case of Facebook, a downward trend could be witnessed from about 25 minutes in 2016 to less than 5 minutes in 2020. On the other hand, Twitter experienced an increasing trend and reached the first position with 40 minutes in the last year of the given period.
In regards to further information, a drastic difference of 23 minutes could be observed on Instagram from 2016 to 2017, decreasing until 2019. Although spending time on Instagram was inclined in 2020, it remained less than that on Twitter, which was about 38 minutes. In the initial year, Snapchat had the least time duration, but in 2019, it hit its zenith point at more than 40 minutes, and in 2020, time spending went down to around 10 minutes.
Sample 2
The given bar graph illustrates information about how young people spent their leisure time on different kinds of social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Snapchat) in India over four years between 2016 and 2020. Units were measured in minutes.
Overall, the bar chart reveals that Twitter’s popularity increased yearly, while Facebook lost interest among youngsters. Another interesting fact is that the use of social media has gone up.
At first, in 2016, about 25 minutes were spent on Facebook by young people, which was the highest among other platforms, and around 21 to 23 minutes were spent on Twitter and Instagram, while only 10 minutes were spent on Snapchat. The use of Instagram significantly increased to double, and the use of Twitter and Snapchat by young people also rose to around 25 and 23 minutes, while Facebook use decreased to below 10 minutes. In 2018, Snapchat gained popularity among young people, and its use increased to about 38 minutes; for Twitter and Instagram, their use was around 30 minutes each, and for Facebook, it decreased to around 8 minutes.
In 2019, the trend remained the same for Snapchat, and the use of Snapchat increased to approximately 42 minutes; however, in 2020, the numbers decreased to around 15 minutes. As for Instagram, it went down to about 16 minutes in 2019, but it rose to 35 minutes in 2020. Twitter use increased in 2019 and 2020 and stopped at around 40 minutes. Facebook still decreased view time for young people, and it stopped at approximately 5 minutes in 2020.
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