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The Pie Charts Show the Electricity Generated in Germany and France From All Sources and Renewables in the Year 2009

The Pie Charts Show the Electricity Generated in Germany and France From All Sources and Renewables in the Year 2009 (1)

The pie charts show the electricity generated in Germany and France from all sources and renewables in the year 2009. Summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and making comparisons where relevant. Write at least 150 words.

The pie chart illustrates the amount of electricity produced from two sources, all types and renewable, in European countries in 2009.

Overall, it is immediately apparent from the chart that Nuclear and hydroelectric accounted for the Majority of the production of electricity in France, while conventional thermal accounted for the maximum source of electricity in Germany and the largest KWH electric generated in Germany rather than France.

In detail, nuclear provided most of the electricity in France at 76.0%. Similarly, hydroelectricity manufactured the electricity from renewable sources with shares at 86.5%. The other categories were smaller. Meanwhile, conventional thermal and wind sectors generated an almost similar amount of current with different sources, bringing in approximately 10.2% and this, followed by biomass at 8.1%—moreover, 13.7% of electricity was produced from renewable in all types categories. However, solar and geothermal sources contributed a fraction of an insignificant amount in obtaining electricity.

Furthermore, in Germany conventional thermal was the third utmost electric plant, with almost three-fifths of the total at 59.6%, but in that case, the nuclear electric plant was quite lower in production in Germany as compared with France at 23.0%. Moreover, the renewable sources of biomass obtained 39.3% of power, and wind also acquired 3% less from biomass. It is interesting to note that hydroelectric and solar produced different amounts of electricity which accounted for 17.7% and 6.1% in 2009.

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