# Describe an important plant in your country
You should say:
- What is
- What it looks like
- Where and how it is grown
- Why you like or dislike it
- And explain why it is important
I’m going to tell you about a ubiquitous plant in my country, the coca leaf. Although it’s controversial in other countries, as this plant is used to produce cocaine, it’s said to heal the symptoms of altitude sickness and give you a boost of energy while climbing the high Andes Mountains. It’s considered a sacred plant in my country due to its healing tendencies. Let me tell you more about it!
It’s green in color and not very large. I’d say each leaf is about 4-5 cm in length and 2-3 in width. This plant is native to western South America, meaning Bolivia, Colombia, Peru, Argentina, and Ecuador, cultivated in both the lowlands and highlands of the Andes mountains. Moreover, people can also grow this plant in the comfort of their homes with seeds. It’s recommended to keep the plant inside in a warm, sunny environment.
I cherish (appreciate) the coca leaf because I believe it carries therapeutic value. I think that it cures the headaches, nausea, and lightheadedness associated with altitude sickness. Furthermore, it’s what I turn to when I get any problem, not associated with altitude sickness, and I feel that it’s a healthy alternative to drinking coffee. All in all, I think it’s better to use something natural rather than a manufactured pill.
Coca is essential to the people of my country for several reasons. Firstly, it is a cash crop. Secondly, this plant is regarded as a sacred plant, so they play an
essential role in our offering ceremonies to Mother Earth. Lastly, it cures a multitude of illnesses! As you can see, we love this plant.